The Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic approved a grant for other initiative that will receive support from the Bilateral fund of the Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change Programme. Support was granted to the following bilateral initiative:
- Sharing the Best Practices in Freshwater Ecosystem Conservation on the World Fish Migration Day
Beleco’s bilateral initiativ Sharing the Best Practices in Freshwater Ecosystem Conservation on the World Fish Migration Daye is implemented in cooperation with Sciencemonastery AS and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. The aim of the initiative is to share experiences and best practices in the field of freshwater conservation biology. The main activities focus on: stream fragmentation, Atlantic salmon and current progress of repatriation program, Freshwater pearl mussel and the project supporting its viability, Ukrainian brook lamprey and Eurasian beaver. The project will also include accompanying cultural activities for public. Most public events will be held during World Fish Migration Day – May 16 2020.
A regularly updated table of supported bilateral initiatives can be found at:
Can I still apply in the Bilateral fund?
Under the Trolltunga Call, it is still possible to raise grant for bilateral initiatives between Czech and Norwegian partner organizations. Of the total allocation of EUR 100 000, approximately 26 percent (ie. 26 000 EUR) is currently still available. The call will be closed on 30 June 2020. Supported bilateral initiatives must be implemented by June 30, 2021 at the latest.