Establishment of the collaboration on the eco-friendly forest tree growth promotion

24. 6. 2020
The ninth supported bilateral initiative is the project of the Institute of Botany of the CAS. The bilateral initiative is focused on forest habitat.

The Minister of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic approved support for the ninth bilateral initiative under the Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change programme. Support was granted to the following bilateral initiative:

Establishment of the collaboration on the eco-friendly forest tree growth promotion

The initiative is being prepared in cooperation of the Institute of Botany of the CAS and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research. The aim of the initiative is to share experiences and best practices in the field of forest habitat. Specifically, the knowledge on fertilization and forest management in relation to carbon sequestration will be transferred from Norway to Czech environment. The Czech partner will contribute with its knowledge on the plant and soil microbiome. The initiative will also include a discussion on the possibilities of preparing other joint projects from the Norway Grants programme.

Can I still apply in the Bilateral fund?

The funds from the Call are currently exhausted and the call is closed. We are preparing to announce the second round of the Call. For current information, follow our website.

A regularly updated table of supported bilateral initiatives can be found at: